Recently I've started looking at Linq to see how it compares to Subsonic (and other .NET DALs). From what I've seen so far it looks good though I find it less intuitive than SubSonic. The query syntax is good and is easy to understand for anyone familiar with SQL but I think the concepts of how and when the data is loaded is less obvious with Linq when compared with Subsonic.
SubSonic feels like an object model I would have written myself from scratch. This might just be a case of me getting used to Linq though. To start getting to grips with Linq I thought I would generate a data context for the dashCommerce project and try writing some queries that correspond to existing Subsonic methods.
Here are some examples of how some calls to the dashCommerce database look in Subsonic with a corresponding Linq version.
Fetch all products
Subsonic Call
ProductController pc = new ProductController(); ProductCollection pcol = pc.FetchAll();
DashContext rc = new DashContext(connStr); var q = from p in rc.Products select p; List<Product> productList = q.ToList();
Subsonic Call
ProductController pc = new ProductController(); ProductCollection pcol = pc.FetchByID(5); Product p = pcol[0];
DashContext rc = new DashContext(connStr); var q = from p in rc.Products where p.ProductId == 5 select p; List<Product> productList = q.ToList(); Product p = productList[0];
Subsonic Call
ProductController pc = new ProductController(); Query q = new Query(Product.Schema.TableName); q.AddWhere("Name", Comparison.Like, "%sensor%"); ProductCollection pcol = pc.FetchByQuery(q);
DashContext rc = new DashContext(connStr); var q = from p in rc.Products where p.Name.Contains("sensor") select p; List<Product> productList = q.ToList();
Inspired by this forum post: I thought I'd try comparing the performance of Linq with that of Subsonic. This isn't a particularly scientific test but I put each of the calls described above in a loop with 1000 iterations to see if there were any major differences in performance.
Fetch all products
Linq: 00:00:04.1 Subsonic: 00:00:07.2
Linq: 00:00:00.09 Subsonic: 00:00:01.1
Linq: 00:00:04.2 Subsonic: 00:00:01.6
I decided to try the final test again using a Linq Compiled Query as follows:
public static class Queries { public static Func<RetrofitContext, string, IQueryable<Product>> SearchProductsByName = CompiledQuery.Compile((RetrofitContext rc, string name) => from p in rc.Products where p.Name.Contains(name) select p); } RetrofitContext rc = new RetrofitContext(connStr); for (int i = 1; i < 1001; i++) { // Now use a CompiledQuery List<Product> productList = Queries.SearchProductsByName(rc, "sensor").ToList(); }
For reference the products table in this test contained 39 records, there were 3 records that matched the LIKE query (i.e. have the word sensor in the name). I was using my local SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (SP2).
In (my not particularly stringent) performance testing Linq seems to stack up well against Subsonic, my current DAL of choice. I will continue to investigate the features of Linq and post any hints, tips or gripes here. I'm also going to look at ASP.NET Dynamic Data to see whether this will allow me to replicate the simple data admin interface provided by the Subsonic Scaffold control.